Saturday, 1 October 2016


You can hardly travel on the streets of Uganda without finding at least three chapati stalls. They are now so many and they are everywhere. Most of them are owned by youths and you don't need much money to start a stall.

Chapati has become Uganda's first meal because it is now eaten by everybody regardless of class. Previously it was used by low income earners but now even the rich guys pack them in their cars.

The price of chapati differs basing on the location but the beginning price is ush500 and that is when you buy it from a stall. But in restaurants and hotels the price is high. So  a rich guy gets it from a restaurant.

Chapati is made in different styles. There is kikomando (beans and chapati), rolex (mixed with eggs) and so many styles which are endless.  But every style has it's own price.


The phrase "sente zibuze" meaning money is scarce has become the song of the year due to poverty has left many Ugandans with no enough money to afford good food.
They have resorted to chapati since it's cheap and available anytime.

The bachelors,campusers and youths at large are the best consumers of chapati. This can be verified by guys selling chapati near hostels. Someone eats chapat for both lunch and supper.

For the married, they usually buy wheat flour and make them from their homes since  wheat flour is not expensive.  It's hard to find a Ugandan going without chapati a day and that makes chapati UGANDA'S FIRST MEAL.

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