Thursday, 29 September 2016


We are in a world of unemployment, where people work so hard to get a living yet they have no jobs. And most of us want to get rich quick so that we also live better .

Many sports betting companies have emerged and they are seen as a source of wealth by many. Since you use little money and get more money, many people have joined the rope of betting to become rich.

It's just a matter of predicting the results of the game. If you predict right you gain but if u do the opposite, you get the opposite.

If you have ever put in a bet , you understand the thrill that one feels when they are about to win. And the ecstatic feeling when you actually win, it is this feeling that keeps you hooked and coming back for more.

The other day I overhead a conversation whereby one person was saying that the reason sports betting has become so popular among the common mwananchi is that it gives them hope for something better regardless of their current situation.

What many don’t know is that constant betting may lead to a gambling addiction. Gambling addiction is also known as impulse control disorder. Compulsive gamblers just like drug addicts are not able to control the impulse to gamble even when they know that their gambling is hurting themselves or their loved ones.

In Uganda it is quickly becoming a common sight to see individuals complaining about how they lost good amounts of money due to sports betting. Sadly some are even foregoing meals in order to place bets with a hope of winning big.

The combination of youth unemployment and gambling is a powder keg just waiting to erupt. The dangerous side of gambling is beginning to emerge as a boda boda operator John Muchangakilled two people in a Casino at Eastleigh after losing Kshs.30,000 while gambling.

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