Tuesday, 18 October 2016

MASTER OF DECEPTION (where one child belongs to five fathers)

Some time back when I was between 10 to 19yrs, watching Nigerian movies was ever on my program. But  I was always interested in a part where the actor utters out a statement that corresponds to the title of the movie.

The world is never enough, my Dad told me. You need to hustle while considering the existance of God and taking every person useful.

Maria (not real name but real story) she is very brown, she is tall, she is so so beautiful trust me she leaves every man shaking and every woman whispering.

She is a half Rwandan but with no big bum as we all know them. She is a slim lady you can say she is portable.

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Even though she is portable but she is also affordable to every guy who owns a coin in his pocket. She doesn't discriminate as long as your capable to take care of her desires.

Many men have slept with her and many are yearning to have a taste on the goods between.  She is a mother of one girl.

Maria got a problem and the same time it was an opportunity for her to get much money that she wants.  She is money oriented.

The opportunity was getting pregnant with one guy who is well known to her but she decided to give her pregnant to five different men.

I think you know were am heading, every man was happy claiming that he was to get a baby from a beautiful lady Maria. Remember they are five.

All the five could take care of the pregnant from medical to everything that pregnant mums deserve,She fooled them.

Guys provided support till when Maria gave birth to a baby girl and everyone paid the hospital bills. As no guy had ever appeared before her parents, so they all feared to go and vist her but thanks to mobile money.

As I tell you, the five fathers are still deceived by Maria but she knows the real father of her  girl though she is soliciting funds from the four men.

I will be back to tell you when the game gets tough for her.

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