Sunday, 30 October 2016

MAKING A STORY; On our very own

A scene from queen of Katwe

His black shoes were full of dust and their sole seemed to have worked for long. He was covered with a brown old t.shirt and a pair jeans that had changed from blue to white. 

He looked at me curiously with his black face glittering due to the oil from the sweat that was popping out of his kinked hair.

"Do you have water for 100/=" he asked and I replied in the affirmative. I gave him water as he sat on the bench I put out for customers. 

His name was Umar Sekulima a movie actor who works with one of the filming companies in Uganda.  I got to know as he pointed on the movie packs in his hands claiming to be the main actor.

Umar discussed with me the hard times faced by the many actors in Uganda who dream of being  superstars. 

"Emerging out is difficult because even our own people don't support us" said Umar. It is absurd that Ugandans support international movies but most of them don't want even to hear about Ugandan movies. 

Looking at Umar, you could easily tell the pain and struggle he is passing through to make ends meet. From transport to shelter, the movie actor was just struggling. 

Those already up don't want also the upcoming actors to emerge. They fear to loose their names on the market and giving room to others is difficult, added Umar.
A scene from a Ugandan movie

We have many good Ugandan movies but our very own are working so hard to let us down. Buying our movies is a loss to them.

Actors like Umar, lack support to push their talent on the best level. No one helps because it takes time to yield from a movie.  No spirit for our country. 

Though it takes long to gain but let's support our brothers and sisters. Our movies are good and they contain message. 

You come across any, share to impress others and to lift our country. I know we can

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