Sunday, 9 October 2016


A fateful independence day morning found me jogging to TakenCorporation as I had earlier left a pending article about Uganda's independence ,so I wanted to get my hands off it.

The environment was boring since most of the people had already marked it a public holiday and to make matters worse it was a Sunday.  Citizens slept to the maximum and my countrymen are good at that. 

From TakenCorporation I went to S.I.Africa a grocery shop where I usually sit to sell mandaazi and pancakes. So Elias a long term  buddy came to my shop while on phone and he seemed to be directing someone. 

It was Habib a friend to Elias  who came with his Sony experia and he wanted quick money to solve an urgent problem that was taking him  unprepared. 

They read to me the deal and I had no plan to buy it since on my list buying a phone wasn't inclusive.  Habib looked worried and fearful which attempted me to ask. "Why are you bothered Habib?" I asked

"Man I have a girl whom we have been together for over two years but I wanted to let her go and I decided to bed her for the last time.  The last time has now brought me problems and she is now pregnant" said the stranded Habib. 

So why do you need the money so urgently?  I asked.  "We want to carry out abortion so that we continue with our studies" Habib. Habib and the girl are both first year students at Makerere university. 
Presenting my independence article to Mzee Mathias

He went further to explain how hard and tough their parents are,  and he couldn't risk his life. And he had seen how his father treated his elders who fell culprits of the same matter. 

Same story on the girl's side even her parents are also unmanageable. Unexpected pregnancy makes love to smell.

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