Monday, 31 October 2016

A $600 HEIST; She puts him in jail

I have known Sharif all the way from high school and it's 6yrs now. I mostly remember his act of borrowing me money whenever things went wrong on my side. 

Sharif is a tall guy but not as much, his skin colour is a mixture of brown and black, he does everything in a slow motion and that's why many have taken advantage of him.

11am, read my clock on one Sunday when Sharif paid a visit at my place. Talking our years back in school was the first on schedule followed by business. 

"Shakilu I will never forget what that poor girl did to me" reacted Sharif upon asking him about his beautiful girl he always told me while at school

They had spent 7yrs together but Shilah (Sharif's girl) changed into a beast when she joined campus.

She first took his new LG phone that was sent to him from Germany by a brother.  The girl claimed to be taking it for snaps but she failed to return it.

Sharif could provide every thing for Shilah. From clothing to food and even once paid her tuition when she lost it to thieves. May be it was a claim. 

Failure to return the phone, heavy words were exchanged but no fighting.  Shilah disappeared for a week.

After that week, Sharif received a phone call from Shilah,"baby am out come and pay the boda boda" she said.

On getting out he was immediately arrested by men who were in casual and taken to a police station at Wandegeya. 

Later in the evening, he was transferred to Old Kampala police station where he slept for two days.

At that moment, he was accused of committing seven cases against ShilahAssault and defilement were inclusive.

He was shocked to see Shilah coming to police with a bald head and she had trimmed off the hair an indication that she was under age.

Seriously Sharif looked silly and helpless. Shilah also accused him of breaking her spinal cord and she asked for $600 to cater for her treatment and withdraw the case.

Sharif had nothing to do but to negotiate with Shilah and at last he paid $300. He was released but their love ended. 

A heist can be referred to as robbery. Many girls gave up on love and decided to be thieves. She doesn't care how much you invest in her.

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Sunday, 30 October 2016

MAKING A STORY; On our very own

A scene from queen of Katwe

His black shoes were full of dust and their sole seemed to have worked for long. He was covered with a brown old t.shirt and a pair jeans that had changed from blue to white. 

He looked at me curiously with his black face glittering due to the oil from the sweat that was popping out of his kinked hair.

"Do you have water for 100/=" he asked and I replied in the affirmative. I gave him water as he sat on the bench I put out for customers. 

His name was Umar Sekulima a movie actor who works with one of the filming companies in Uganda.  I got to know as he pointed on the movie packs in his hands claiming to be the main actor.

Umar discussed with me the hard times faced by the many actors in Uganda who dream of being  superstars. 

"Emerging out is difficult because even our own people don't support us" said Umar. It is absurd that Ugandans support international movies but most of them don't want even to hear about Ugandan movies. 

Looking at Umar, you could easily tell the pain and struggle he is passing through to make ends meet. From transport to shelter, the movie actor was just struggling. 

Those already up don't want also the upcoming actors to emerge. They fear to loose their names on the market and giving room to others is difficult, added Umar.
A scene from a Ugandan movie

We have many good Ugandan movies but our very own are working so hard to let us down. Buying our movies is a loss to them.

Actors like Umar, lack support to push their talent on the best level. No one helps because it takes time to yield from a movie.  No spirit for our country. 

Though it takes long to gain but let's support our brothers and sisters. Our movies are good and they contain message. 

You come across any, share to impress others and to lift our country. I know we can

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Friday, 28 October 2016

BENEATH THE DARKNESS; He pulled out a gun

It was a cool night with waving wind outside and a sweater was of importance. 11am, my blue sweater in my left, black leather shoes hiding my feet and my eyes on the phone waiting for a call.

As I was picking my Camera, he called.  "Man am outside the gate come and we go" it was Danny a friend working with the Uganda police. 

I jumped in to Danny's Toyota MarkX and we set off for our mission. 

Danny is a heavy muscular man who seems to have eaten posho for the whole of his life. He was dressed in black from up to bottom and he kept a pistol on his left.

He parked at one night club in Kampala and I immediately set my Camera for better shots as I sent a tweet about our mission. 

Our plan was me to be taking photos as Danny provides security but standing a distance away from me so that no one recognises our togetherness. 

We moved along the streets as I perfectly take my pics without fear or favour.  But I tell you now days ladies want to move naked.  May be it's the order of the city at night. 

Along one street which I will not disclose, we found a guy having pleasure with a lady along the street and some other two were marking them tightly. 

I hurriedly took three shots of the couple in the act. Immediately the other two guys wanted to jump over me.

"Step back or else I will shoot you" a voice from the dark. It was Danny who later came out pointing his pistol towards  the two guys as the other couple dismantled.

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Wednesday, 26 October 2016


His real name is Huzaifah but on Facebook he calls himself Malcomx and he claims to be working with parliament of Uganda yet he is still a student in high school. 

Many people like Huzaifah have faked their social media profiles especially on Facebook and whatsapp. The thing is that many Ugandans didn't understand the role of social media. 

A report from TakenCorporation indicates how Ugandans describe their identity on facebook in the different fields. Now take your eyes down.


50% use correctly spelled real names, 40% use real names but incorrectly spelled, not because they don't know how to write but it's because of swag. 

Whereas 10% use nicknames and these are musicians plus the so called celebrities. 


Aaaaaah it's very hard to find someone on facebook working from Owino or Kiseka Market. Should we say Facebook doesn't allow market vendors? 

Most people put self employed and these are mostly ladies.  Other claim to be working for big organisations, companies and government  institutions but police exclusive. 

"Everyone on facebook lies, so no problem if I put American embassy as my work place" said Shamirah.


Here I give credit to Ugandans. People are proud of their schools.  Cases of lieng in this section are limited. And to be sincere, Ugandans are educated people. 


It was as if every sample we got was from Mbarara and other regions of western Uganda. In this section many say they come from the west ,so I don't know what happened to the other regions.

And most of them a living in Kampala as their current city. Few live in Jinja and for those in Gulu we had only one.


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Monday, 24 October 2016


So my man Bebe Cool the legendary artist failed to get an award in the concluded MTV Africa Music Awards that were held in South Africa.  But my man blames Ugandans for his loss.

Bebe is not our issue let's put him aside. He used to be part of the people who stay in the big fence besides a one medical centre. 

They loved him and he was given a free room. I mean the inmates of the big fence and they even considered him as a brother. 

Hashim (not real name) was a good man at first but later he revealed his true colours that surprised everyone. 

Before Ibra (owner of the fence) gave him a free room, Hashim had nowhere to sleep because the mum had sent him away from her home.

The reason was thefty but Ibra did not know and he helped as you know how Muslims most of the times help each other. 

After staying in the fence for a while, Ibra's hard disk went missing plus some of his clothes. 

He later came to know that it was Hashim who had took his property but he forgave him. The man didn't pause his habit. 

Hashim went ahead to steal a pair of nike shoes from Ibra and this time Ibra forgave him again but prohibited him from accessing his house. I mean Ibra's house.

The man didn't give up, he stole a galaxy note 5 from a neighbouring home and the police visited Ibra's home in search for Hashim but he had ran somewhere. 
Police invaded Ibra's place with guns

Ibra was frustrated and sent Hashim from his fence.  But Hashim had stole things from each and every neighbour.

Now he is on the run thr police and neighbours are after him.

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Monday morning I was talking to Akot a friend from western Uganda.  He was narrating to me how he came from that side to Kampala with a road construction company and he later ran away from them hence his stay in Kampala. 

Many people in Kampala came like Akot and that's why different habits are more with in the capital. 

Two weeks back, sitted with Danny at my grocery shop, he received a phone call, it was from a one girl he had met three days back.

Friday, 21 October 2016


This week has been with many stories, Bank of Uganda  takes over crane bank, South Africa to step out of ICC and Burundi also on the same trend. 

20th.OCT.2016, 6:30am his feet wrapped in a texado, a pair of navy blue jeans covering his legs and a fitting shirt on top, Fred sets out with his black bag on the back to look for a better living. 

Fred moves shop to shop selling "kavera" polythene bags to shop attendants who use them to pack goods for customers. 

He does it daily however the date above turned not in his wish. Fred always utilises his phone as a calculator to balance his business. 

On checking his pockets,the phone wasn't in and he started reversing his memory through the streets he had passed since morning. For sure Fred's phone was picked from his pocket by a one Kampala thief

A day can not go in Kampala without tears of grieve from people who loose their properties to the many thieves in the capital. 

Bags, phones and many things are grabbed by the thugs who are in every corner and space of Kampala. 

The act does not stop on pickpocketing but they also go on to steal from shops and market stalls. The people of Owino market are the best to ask.

It's hard to find a business man or woman in Kampala who has never experienced the pain of these takers. They are merciless and fearless. 

They always work from crowded places, traffic jam and here many have lost their phones. One day I was in a tax and a lady's phone was grabbed but no one saved since the guy ran through congested vehicles. 

People have tried to use mob justice in case they get one. Many thugs have lost life but the system keeps on gaining more effort. 

They work in groups which makes it hard to be taken down because the friends hurriedly save the victim even if it means by force. 

One man was stabbed to death with a knife for making an alarm when someone was being robbed, so people fear to alert a victim because of the threat that may arise from the thugs. 

You just need to be so careful when moving in the capital or otherwise your property will be taken. More security on shops and stalls is now a must in the capital.

Their hearts are black, they have no mercy and they are the black faces of Kampala. 

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Wednesday, 19 October 2016


If I had power and authority I would have abolished smartphones and we get back to our usual buttons in order to save some people. 

In my Uganda everyone is hustling for a smartphone.  They all want to be on Whatsapp, twitter and facebook.

"Are you on whatsapp? " I hate that question.  But I hardly take a week without asking me that question. 

Now I know you are  eager to know what I mean by my smartphone from selling passion fruit juice and yes am going to tell you.

2014 I completed my high school but remember me I come from a low class family so they couldn't afford one as other parents did for my OBs and OGs.

I recall to have possessed a small nokia phone which was later stolen.

My OBs and OGs were on whatsapp and I also missed to chat with them. Some mocked me calling me a villager but I had nothing to do.

Me and my sister Haula we decided to start up a passion fruit business and our main aim was to collect money for smartphones.

God helped us and our business was moving well though the ups and downs can't dodge the class.

After two months we had collected enough money and Haula decided to first buy mine then we shall later buy hers.

My first smartphone was a nokia Asha 302 and after some time we bought the one of Haula which was also the same type.

Many people are hustling to get smartphones and I support them. Being online is so much different for sure.

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Tuesday, 18 October 2016

MASTER OF DECEPTION (where one child belongs to five fathers)

Some time back when I was between 10 to 19yrs, watching Nigerian movies was ever on my program. But  I was always interested in a part where the actor utters out a statement that corresponds to the title of the movie.

The world is never enough, my Dad told me. You need to hustle while considering the existance of God and taking every person useful.

Maria (not real name but real story) she is very brown, she is tall, she is so so beautiful trust me she leaves every man shaking and every woman whispering.

She is a half Rwandan but with no big bum as we all know them. She is a slim lady you can say she is portable.

READ:"from commoner to crown princess" the true life story of Sumaia

Even though she is portable but she is also affordable to every guy who owns a coin in his pocket. She doesn't discriminate as long as your capable to take care of her desires.

Many men have slept with her and many are yearning to have a taste on the goods between.  She is a mother of one girl.

Maria got a problem and the same time it was an opportunity for her to get much money that she wants.  She is money oriented.

The opportunity was getting pregnant with one guy who is well known to her but she decided to give her pregnant to five different men.

I think you know were am heading, every man was happy claiming that he was to get a baby from a beautiful lady Maria. Remember they are five.

All the five could take care of the pregnant from medical to everything that pregnant mums deserve,She fooled them.

Guys provided support till when Maria gave birth to a baby girl and everyone paid the hospital bills. As no guy had ever appeared before her parents, so they all feared to go and vist her but thanks to mobile money.

As I tell you, the five fathers are still deceived by Maria but she knows the real father of her  girl though she is soliciting funds from the four men.

I will be back to tell you when the game gets tough for her.

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Monday, 17 October 2016

THE CORPORATE PROSTITUTES,(campusers and graduates)

I once talked about this sometime back and now am again on it. After requests from so many I decided to elaborate the issue again, I mean the corporate prostitutes part 1 .

The habit is increasing day by day with new participants of different age and religion. However the habit is more common in campus girls and the graduates. Am sorry to say.

"we are given money but most of the times it is never enough, so you decide to find your way out" a student at Makerere.

It came to my notice that many girls just get in bed with many guys but they don't know that what they are doing is prostitution.

Today she is with Jack, next day Fred and the other day she was with Hussein.  To them it seems to be a game for survival but most can't accept that it's prostitution.

"It's now two years since I graduated, no job and the only way is to get money from my various boyfriends" a one graduate.

Unemployment has done much in stressing the eyes of our sisters.  And they need to be part of the speedy technological world.I mean the world of smart phones.
No need to stand on the streets

It doesn't specify the age of a customer as long as he is capable of offering a reasonable amount or the necessary needs according to a girl's wish.

Sometimes money is not involved but a girl may get a boyfriend for lunch, another for shelter and another one for clothing but she offers her goods to everyone in order to stay in touch with the services.

Corporate prostitution has also failed the good boys to settle with one girl. "free girls are many why should I stick on one. I just get when in injury" said Daniel a friend at MUBS.

So the girls even have timetables on when to meet the different customers though they insist that they are boyfriends. And calling them prostitutes is the same as starting a war.

From the different  campusers I talked to, many boys call it cheating whereas the girls claim to be having poor boyfriends who can't afford all the needs so they decide to mix them.

For the graduates, hustling with life after campus is so hard and that's why they also look for potential life sponsors.

Corporate prostitution does not involve standing out on the streets but a lady possesses more than one partner for the satisfaction of her needs. Visiting nice places like hotels provides address for the girls.

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Sunday, 16 October 2016


However much the Uganda government increases tax on alcohol and it's prices go high, people don't stop taking it but they just accelerate.

Every day new alcohol companies emerge with different names of drinks but they all end up with one mission "distracting the brain".

Here in Uganda alcohol is considered as a necessity in life. "" I don't know how you people survive without alcohol" said John with his small ugly voice.

The  system in the capital ranges from bar to bar to bar to night club. Someone drinks and forgets the way home. Urinating in pants is part of the story and am sure you see them.

It was most commonly taken by men but now days women are taking the lead irrespective of age and religion.

It's hard to find an alcoholic without damage on his or her body. If the damage is not because of a punch then it is for an accident.
A bottle wasn't enough

There is this John, he is black and thin, he is short with eyes red due to heavy litres of alcohol, and he has an ugly small voice.

John is a subject to almost every prison in Uganda but all his cases are alcohol oriented.  Fighting, moving at night and intimidating citizens are cases that always hunt John.

Recently he was punched on his left eye and now a swollen face accompanies him. Many alcoholics like John are facing the same problems but they hardly know them.

I was shocked when one Kingdom launched a beer and yet it tells it's subjects to be hardworking, may be alcohol increases the work-force.

I call them victims of the punch because each alcoholic has ever received a punch.

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Saturday, 15 October 2016


Though I tried very much to reach her by phone, it was fruitless because she had changed the phone number. All the love I had ended unknowingly but it wasn't my fault

6:40am holding my blue sweater, hides already in the feet, setting out for work, vuuuuu vuuu it was the vibration of a text message on my phone.

"Don't ever text or call me again, just do me a favour. Me and you is never" they were words of hady binded in a text message.  I called back she refused to answer.

My heart was pumping from feet to head and my eyes wet. My small computer (brain) had stopped thinking. 

Remembering the good times I had with hady, I could feel like jumping off Mabiriizi complex. It was hard to believe.

A day before we talked well with her and everything seemed to be all right. But even now I still don't know the reason why hady left me.

As they say time ills, I later got used to it and started a new life. It was never my fault and  I will never know why she left.

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Thursday, 13 October 2016

FROM COMMONER TO CROWN PRINCESS (true life story of Sumaia)

On the left Sumaia 4yrs back, on right Sumaia now

Namusaazi Sumaia's feet were charred in grass,locked under brown flats whose sole appeared to be from a Tiger's skin.

The sun pelted hard onto her goddess hair balancing out her brown skin with the blackening skimpy dress covering her body.

Dark purple colour marked the lips making her talk like a real princess. Her English was polished and her logic tallied on many arguments.

“I schooled in Uganda, I’d never be this perfect” she retorted to my compliment on her good diction.

She had a smooth skin and a smile on her face indicated the success of her struggle.  Seriously I was caught into admiration and it was hard for me to believe what my eyes were seeing.
As I talked to Sumaia

Born in Kawempe a Kampala suburb, Sumaia attended different schools right from her nursery till she concluded her A.level certificate from Mbogo Mixed a Muslim school along Bombo road.

"I just passed through a difficult time in school" recalls Sumaia after me pausing a question about her financial status while in school.

She is among the many  who hardly completed the term without being sent back home for fees and it was a major reason for her poor performance sometimes.

Sumaia was one of the girls who were so much interested in Music, dance and drama an act that she thinks made her gain confidence and courage.

While talking to Sumaia my eyes couldn't even blink as I was so much taken by the way she speaks and rarely had I seen such a lady.

After A.level Sumaia joined Buganda royal institute for a diploma in fashion and design."Designing has beautiful concept" says Sumaia with an inching smile.

As many people say, Sumaia attributes her change of course in life to campus.  Getting new friends with different motives and achievements, Sumaia adopted a new life style from that of a village girl she used to be.
her looks make everything clear

Now if your that kind of guy who used to mock her, am sure you can now be tempted to kneel down before her and am sure the OBs can't even tell whether she is the one.

Sumaia completed a diploma in fashion and design. And she is now working with some company dealing in fashion.  However a dream of owning a mega fashion and designing company, is the dream in her fine head.

From commoner to crown princess, the Sumaia of 8yrs back is not the Sumaia of today. You can never know what tomorrow brings, earning a huge salary was a dream to Sumaia but now it's a reality.

It was a good time with Namusaazi Sumaia but I forgot to handover my application in favour of her heart.

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Wednesday, 12 October 2016


It is a fence wide enough with two self contained houses and one room separate from the two, they are rentals owned by one big man from Congo.  On the left lies a medical centre, on the right lies a garage for benz cars.

It has one main gate and two small gates of which one is ever closed and the other is left for nurses and patients to use since their toilets are also inside the same fence.

The first rental is occupied by Musa a guy from Busoga and works with KCCA. The second is for Omara a guy from Congo and a nephew to the landlord, whereas the separate room is used by me.

I went back home from work at around 12am on the night of 11th,October. I talked to Musa and he paid me the money I had used to pay his electricity bills. We chatted for a few minutes and after I proceeded to my room.

Between my room and the houses there is small corridor which I always close with a flat Plough wood to prevent cats and people from accessing the corridor behind since they own nothing there.

5:50am got me awake and on getting out, the Plough wood was removed from the corridor yet I left it blocked before sleeping. I became suspicious and as soon as I saw this I picked my torch to survey the behind corridor. 

I found Omara's windows of the sitting room open with a trouser down on the floor.  I got it and immediately I called Omara who quickly responded and on checking his new watch had been taken. we checked Musa's place and his windows were also open. 

A thief broke through the main gate leaving the padlock down. He also attacked Musa from the window and he also took his trouser which had sh 120000 in it and his wallet plus an Huawei phone. 
Main gate where the thief passed

The thug used a long stick to pick things from Musa's and Omara's houses. He left all the documents he found in the trousers in the compound. 

We have secured new padlocks for the three gates and I thank God no one touched my room. 

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Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Meat and rice, I can struggle nail and tooth for a plate, it's my favourite. Sitting at Hajjat's place for lunch with a glass of cold water going down the throats to cool the heat from a long morning I had faced.

I vividly remember he had sat near the window, wearing a black shirt and brown jean that could hide dirt, putting on shoes that seemed to have worked for a good time and a look on his face saying ""why me?"

Eager to know called Hajjat for data and she told me his name was John, hustling with the negatives of a bank loan. "He lost hope after loosing everything he had worked for."said Hajjat

John had a big shop at one of the business areas in Mukono, it was an wholesale shop dealing with a variety of customers from all around Mukono and for the onlookers, John was in the air.

Two perfect cars one for the and another for his decorated the compound every evening as the bosses had left work.  Everything was moving on John's will as he had prayed to the Almighty God.

"You can never know them unless they let you know them". An unforgettable Tuesday in John's mind stormed a patrol of policemen who surrounded his home by early morning and here came the bank agents who were tough and angry.
When bank takes your property

"Please give me some time am going to pay, I have no where to take my family, be merciful" he pleaded. But the guys didn’t listen instead they instructed for the removal of his property and they locked the house. Now it belonged to the bank.

He sold his two cars to clear the children's fees of which he was able to manage for two terms and he decided to dump them in the village.  The big shop collapsed, the wife left and John went  decelerated to the beginning. 

All along John was operating his business on a bank loan and he had used his house as security to the bank. Now he sits in Hajjat's place for sympathisers to buy him a plate of food. 

walked away fron Hajjat's place with earphones listening to Platinum's song "UTANIPENDA"

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Sunday, 9 October 2016


A fateful independence day morning found me jogging to TakenCorporation as I had earlier left a pending article about Uganda's independence ,so I wanted to get my hands off it.

The environment was boring since most of the people had already marked it a public holiday and to make matters worse it was a Sunday.  Citizens slept to the maximum and my countrymen are good at that. 

From TakenCorporation I went to S.I.Africa a grocery shop where I usually sit to sell mandaazi and pancakes. So Elias a long term  buddy came to my shop while on phone and he seemed to be directing someone. 

It was Habib a friend to Elias  who came with his Sony experia and he wanted quick money to solve an urgent problem that was taking him  unprepared. 

They read to me the deal and I had no plan to buy it since on my list buying a phone wasn't inclusive.  Habib looked worried and fearful which attempted me to ask. "Why are you bothered Habib?" I asked

"Man I have a girl whom we have been together for over two years but I wanted to let her go and I decided to bed her for the last time.  The last time has now brought me problems and she is now pregnant" said the stranded Habib. 

So why do you need the money so urgently?  I asked.  "We want to carry out abortion so that we continue with our studies" Habib. Habib and the girl are both first year students at Makerere university. 
Presenting my independence article to Mzee Mathias

He went further to explain how hard and tough their parents are,  and he couldn't risk his life. And he had seen how his father treated his elders who fell culprits of the same matter. 

Same story on the girl's side even her parents are also unmanageable. Unexpected pregnancy makes love to smell.

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I had never seen it before.  For the elections I had lived to see, the 2016 elections were another league. It was as if the end of Uganda on the world map and everything had lost control. 

From the words of the deadly boda boda men you could easily tell and feel the heat and fear that was covering Uganda.  People started stocking food in their houses claiming to be preparing for war just incase.

Heavy police and army deployment was over every corner of Kampala the capital.  All roads leading to the capital had road blocks tight checking of  cars I think was  the first order on the list.
Army patrolling to mantain peace

The police kept on promising the scared Ugandans that nothing was going to destabilise the peace and they were ready to deal with anyone who trys to go beyond the law.

Many Ugandans started to get back to villages running out of the city and the school programmes were extended to enable every parent be with his or her child during that time of fear.

During this time I got a chance to see different types of security uniforms and they used to patrol during day and night to ensure that peace mantains number one position. 

16th of February  increased more heat and fear as the main opposition candidate Besigye was detained by the police for campaigning beyond orders.  Teargas was used to disperse the angry supporters of Besigye who were demanding for his release. 

17th I  decided to run to the village because pressure  was tooo high in the city and the business environment had also become hard making it difficult to associate .

There is no single day that passed without any religious leader telling people to be  calm anf peaceful. Many organisations sensitised people about the unending negative results of a non--peaceful environment. 

Things are funny, when I reached the village I was relieved from the pressure.  People in that village seemed not to be knowing what was happening. They were so peaceful and ready to vote but in Kampala heat and fear.

18th voting was conducted but the security was too tight my friend. I saw heavy guns and tough guys. Most of them were black and seemed to be coming from the North. They were only following orders from high command. 
The tough guys responsible for security

Social media was shutdown for over 4 days and the responsible organs said it was posing security threats.  The winner was announced , heat and fear went down slowly and peace prevailed in the pearl of Africa. 

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Friday, 7 October 2016


Whenever I remember the report of UNEB that indicates the 80% of primary teachers who can't read and write, I break into laughter. Seriously the guys who made a report also are products of those teachers who can't read and write.

If teachers where not qualified, even these guys wouldn't have been able to make such a report,  anyway Uganda the pearl of Africa.

Entering Simba Telecom, immediately your eyes are welcomed with alot of smart gadgets displayed on very smooth and nice holdings.  Most of the attendants where ladies aged between 20 to 28rs. They were beautiful and buying a cocktail glass for one of them wasn't a loss but I had no money.

The dudes inside were very good at handling customers and persuading them to buy, a thing that the ladies didn't have. So the ladies were for attraction.

Since my outfit was that of a villager, I started to recognise the many eyes on me coming from different sides of the shop. "Kato which one should I take?" Shalwa asked. I told her to pick and I will be explaining till she gets the best.

Suspicion within the room increased as one girl kept on toiling me from table to table and the rest were busy eyeing me. I was confused and I didn't know why these guys were against me.

You know am good at tactics, so I decided to try one and get the mission of these guys.
I extended near the table, pulled out my phone slowly from the right pocket without them noticing and on taking it to the left pocket I was holding it as if am hiding something.

"abye essimu(he has stolen a phone)" shouted the girl who was toiling me. Immediately guys surrounded me quickly. "what is wrong? why are you grabbing him?" questions from Shalwa.

I was told to take out the phone I had stolen and I refused. Forcefully one of them pulled it out of my bag and they were ashamed to see that it was my old nokia torch phone.  We are sorrys started from them.

"You see the way your putting on confused us and we thought your a thief, we are sorry" the guard said.

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Thursday, 6 October 2016


"You can never know them by their appearance unless they let you know""
Police chains that were waiting for my hands

Back to 2014 in the month of December I encountered what I had never faced before.  You know back in these days I was so so poor and I couldn't afford good and expensive clothes. 

And I wasn't ok with attending functions as I had no perfect clothes. Woooo things were not on my side at all.  Everything that involved money was my problem for sure. 

From childhood I was good at using phones and my hobby is games. Playing snake, I could even mis food. So due to my love for phones I learnt how to differentiate original phones from duplicates.

One Wednesday I received a phone call from my sister Shalwa " Kato I want you to escort me to Simba Telecom tomorrow am going to buy a phone and it's you who knows them better" I agreed to do so.

All that night of Wednesday I was thinking of what to put on tomorrow that will fit with the journey to Simba Telecom. In vain I failed to get any best attire because i had not. So I just waited for the day to come.

Next morning I called Shalwa to confirm the time and she told me 3pm. As I usual I was at Tijaani retail shops since it was my work place. I was a shopkeeper by then working for food and shelter,I thank God it taught me a lesson.

Dressed in my old brown t.shirt, black trouser and a pair of rubber sandles (nigiina), I stormed Shalwa's shop at exactly 3pm and Nambale a boda boda rider was already waiting for us.

Nambale took us through the streets of Kampala till when we arrived at Simba Telecom the biggest phone shop in Uganda. We got off the boda and we entered in the shop to select the best phone for Shalwa. 
How phones are displayed

As soon as I entered Simba Telecom, all the eyes of the guards turned to me and immediately. ...................................... PART 2 loading*************

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


It was around 3am on the night of 4th October when it started drizzling.  Many hearts of people staying in Kampala went into fear especially those at Bwaise, Nateete and other swampy places.

Believe me or not Kampala was a wetland but due to modernisation it was deformed in to a beautiful city.  Whenever it rains the city floods disrupting shelters and work places. I tell you it was a wetland.

So back to 3am, it started as if it is going to end soon but later it became so heavy (rain). At that moment the sleeping of many ended as they were trying to get their properties on the higher levels where floods can not affect them. " I told Yusuf to climb up the cupboard together with his siblings as I collected plates and cups from down" a citizen said.

It was a tough rain with alot of wind and it attracted many people to start praying so that they get saved from the high amounts of water that were getting in their houses yet they had nowhere to run. It rained for 7hrs and by the time it stopped, my friend most regions of Kampala had already flooded. 

Heavy rains is what people don't want to hear about in Kampala as it makes everything difficult starting from home to workplaces. The authority responsible for the environment has failed to protect the wetland since it is the capital city and there is no way you can rebuild it.

Traffic jam becomes heavy because floods affect some roads. Here people move while holding their clothes up. The floods are seen as an opportunity to the youths who lift people on their backs through the floods so that they also earn  some money. 

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