Saturday, 31 December 2016


It was a 2hrs journey defined from Kampala passing through the then battle fields of  Luwero to Nakasongola. With the road consisting of mostly heavy cars, it continues upto Uganda-South Sudan border.  I stopped at Nakasongola. 

Sun rays containing high degrees of heat capacity strike the green environment of the area making it turn into goldish and easier to burn incase need arises. 

Dispersed houses decorate the area and it's never easy to reach the neighbourhood if escaping from danger. Neighbours are not in a stone's throw. 

As people were busy celebrating boxing day, Mzee Sali Herbert was breathing his last. He was a father to my friend Ms.Robina the proprietor of House of Health Medical Centre. Mzee was struggling with both diabetes and cancer. 

28th/Dec got me prepared to attend the  burial ceremony at Nakasongola district where the deceased had his home. It was sorrow and grieve on the side of friends and relatives. 

At exactly 11am, 11 in number, we set off for the journey. We passed via areas of kasubi, kawala and Bwaise. Through those regions you can easily tell whether Kampala is a capital or a rural area.

The houses are not in good condition and reaching Kazo it was worse. The football pitch had no grass at all apart from dust. It was surrounded with sand trucks on either side. 

We proceeded to areas of Kawempe, kagoma, kawanda and Matuga. I don't know why most towns in that region start with "K". But just know that those are rural-urban areas. 

From Matuga we joined Bombo town. Bombo is mostly comprised of Banubbi tribe who originated from Northern Uganda during the 1970s.

I noticed no serious farming in Luwero apart from growing  pineapples in plenty plus maize.  Pine trees are also planted largely  but to a few who have money and land.

Finally we arrived in Nakasongola where the burial ceremony was. Getting out of the car, the first thing was to look for Ms.Robina and comfort her. She was happy to see us and words of wisdom where shared among us. 

Mzee Sali was made to rest at 3:49pm, we got back to our cars and embarked on a journey to Kampala. I can't forget roasted meat we crushed on our way back home. I still pray for Ms.Robina to be more strong than she was before the leaving of Mzee Sali. 

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Monday, 26 December 2016

FROM THE WORDS; Of Ashaba Hamdan

I first met Ashaba three years back at Mbogo Mixed during our high school times. He was a boy of class I recall.

26/12/016, Ashaba  tagged me in a Facebook post and let me take this opportunity to share  the good message with you.

Words of Ashaba 

This message goes out to all boys who are in the same age bracket as mine ie 22 to 29 will try to show u reality abt the life we are abt to start living

ie if u are still at the university or if u have completed. Pliz guys let's put aside good expectations and face reality, let's stop showing off with the little we have and work hard to achieve much coz life is a hard nut to crack

Let's pray always and avoid showoffs, competition, selfishness and work harder. Life is not easy. Best of luck to who ever read as this.

The most difficult age for any man should be between 22 and 29 years, the pressure to be something, to be someone is so immense.

 When you look around you, everyone seems to be doing something for themselves, people seem to be living a life you only dream of.
 You have applied for jobs and the results have been more disappointing than Ugandans' hope for another President!

 Sadly this is the age when most guys lose it, the age when if not careful one is consumed by alcohol, drugs or gambling [betting], because the disappointments become too much and you endup finding alternative ways to face reality.

 Worse is when a few people you studied with have been lucky enough to land jobs, soon your circle of friends gets thinner - mostly they don’t even cut you out but you be real with yourself and cut yourself off.

 I mean what will u do when you are in a WhatsApp group of friends discussing about last week’s trip in Zanzibar and planning another road trip to Kigali and "beach ting dis" while you are not sure of what your next meal would be? [that's if you don't wait from mama's Kitchen]

 Most times you follow the conversation silently, all alone like a cross on the grave. Soon you realize this is no longer your kind of crowd because the more you keep around, the more the pressure to be something takes a toll on you.

 You know when stories about house parties come up and you act deaf because you don’t know where an extra 5 guys would fit in your house.

Have you ever sat in a group of people discussing the new iPhone on the market or how British Airways offers shit services and you can feel your heart whisper to you “boss this is chest pain hour, can we just go and find a group that
 talks about boda boda“.

But you sit there as these people are lost in their lifestyle conversations, you are like a secretary taking minutes in meeting..

Once in a while one of the friends will turn and ask if you need another drink and you wonder if you should just say No and head home, but head home to what? So you grudgingly drop in the “I will have just one last one“ Lie.

 But after a few years of job hunting, you are now ready to take anything even if is to smell a rich man’s farts as long as it pays , so you end up as an office messenger in one blue chip company in town.

To imagine that 4 years of studying and getting a degree is now reduced to picking and dropping off letters and if you are not doing that, you are being sent for cheap lunch by the employees when they are broke and they can’t order with hello food.

 This is when conversations about where people schooled start, you go silent for it’s no longer of any use to say you also reached University, and In fact, the Prestigious Makerere [Now closed of course]

~it doesn’t matter – you have resorted to surviving.Once in while you will bump into your now well to do classmates they would offer you lunch, but not even eating the meals at caffesserie will make you feel better about yourself, because in your mind you wish instead they would give you the 20k and you sort your meals for the next 5 days.

 As it is the norm you will have photos taken, and uploaded on Facebook, but always it’s your face that would look odd one out – not even the best filters can hide a face which has borne the city dust and survives on boiled beans.

 The worst mistake you can do during this period is to try and date – there is nothing that a person going through such times can offer in te..................

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Wednesday, 21 December 2016

SENDING MESSAGE; To all the ladies

"This one's for you and me, living out our dreams,We're all right where we should be,with my arms out wide,I open my eyes.And now all I want see Is a sky full of lighters" words of Bruno Mars.

In my country the pearl of Africa, a week can hardly go without some lady's nude photos being exposed to public.  It is usually via social media, so it's like a game now.

In another context, it's done willingly by the lady in the name of popularity. No more shame,fear and they take the act as a tool to achieve great in life.

In my country, social media has become a platform where obscenity begins yet it wasn't the aim of the developers.

In the many whatsapp groups, the nude photos of our sisters spread like wild fire from one group to another, which is very bad.

They say "educate a girl and she educates a nation" So how are we going to build a strong nation if all our sisters have gone nude. My sisters you have changed from the good girls to untrusted humans.

Becoming popular through satanic ways doesn't last for long. But a name made out of good will and faith can never tarnish.

Exposing your hidden parts to the public is never the way to that life your dreaming of. Let's not become shameless due to the urge for this worldly life.

Let them not describe you by evil actions. Be the best and try to protect that expensive gown that God gave to you. I mean the gown called "mother"

Don't give him chance to cover your naked body on camera because in the times of separation, he will expose everything on you.

To the men

We are produced by girls but why are we spoilt and killed by girls. We are supposed to protect their rights not to violate them.

In any disturbing situation, let's not use their bodies as a weapon. Let's take them as our mothers and true they resemble our mothers. Let's not expose them, #protectmothers.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

HATED; Foreign Petty Traders in Kampala

Ugandans think foreigners are not entitled to such businesses

He looked stressed and worried, the eyes had turned red while nodding his head in grieve. Sitting in a black chair, dressed in a pair of black jeans plus a blue shirt covering the top.

Mark, as he preferred to be called, is a graphics designer at Equatorial shopping mall in the  capital of Uganda. Mark is in medium if you relate it to height, black but not much, very good in dressing expensively and many girls yearn for such guys. 

"Am not happy with the way those indians are doing. They offer services at very cheap prices to customers making them to not access our businesses for services, yet we also pay rent and licence" He reacted to my question concerning his sadness. 

Many traders in Kampala city have complained about the same issue for so long. They thought foreigners had to deal in very big investments not owning wholesale and retail shops like Ugandans. 

Most of the involved parties are indians and Chinese.  They own small businesses hence given tax free holidays in the name of investors. They end up selling at cheaper prices to Ugandans. 

Mr J.Ssekamwa a lecturer at Nkumba university says,"these Chinese are given products from producing companies in their country at no costs. So they sell at low costs since they are given a long period to pay back for the products. "

Ugandan legislators went ahead to sanction the minister for Trade and Industry on why these foreigners deal in petty businesses yet they are licenced to carry out heavy investments that benefit Ugandans. 

Hon. Kyambadde the minister for trade said: "I'm not against closing these petty Chinese business, my request was to extend the closure to 31st December " she went on to say"Most of these Chinese traders, their businesses were registered in Ugandan names & this is a very big challenge"

 Hon. Kyambadde also confirmed that they have ever carried out a verification process and  over 1800 illegal Chinese traders were deported. 

The issue is now left pending in the hands of the minister but hurting more Ugandans especially those operating from buildings of high rent.

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Tuesday, 13 December 2016

#BestStartInLife; the album

#BestStartInLife is a project that was launched by UNICEFUganda under United Nations. Many companies have joined the struggle with an aim of grooming up Ugandan children in the best way possible. Media companies like NBS TV, N TV, Capital fm, New Vision and many more.

Below are the project events in pictures; -

Sunday, 11 December 2016


When things go vice versa

I can tell what's running in your mind, knowing how to smile at competition has confused you. He he he, I do it whenever things run vice versa on my way. We don't fight competitors but the best way is to use them at your advantage. How??

9:42am on a sunday, holding my blue sweater as usual, feet hidden in brown flats, stepped out with a convincing smile which is usually pulled into play when things go vice versa. An agreement to meet Hassan at mengo was already activated.

15 minutes to reach mengo while using Bodaboda. Much credit given to those bodamen for the great work of keeping us on time. Mengo is a kampala suburb, I can't estimate the population but it's highly populated.

Mengo is an area comprised of different language speaking groups. They include somalis, Banubi and swahili people. Mengo's anticipation of hygiene sets it at a risk of diseases due to over population.

So my friend Hassan owns a grocery shop situated in the area. Within a stone's throw on his left, lies a shop for Mzee Amos who also deals almost in the same merchandise like that of Hassan.

Mzee Amos is a brown man from Ankole region, God gifted him with enough money and he also carries out poultry farming at Bulenga in Wakiso district. Mzee Amos collects 10 trays of eggs weekly which are brought to mengo for sale.

"Shakilu Man the Mzee in the corner wants to kick me out of the eggs business. He sells eggs at 300/= each yet me I sell at 400/= each" said Hassan.

He went on to link the act on Mzee's poultry farm that supplies him with eggs at no cost. Hassan sells atray of eggs at $4 whereas Mzee sells at $3, creating a gap of #1 which is too much for the country men.

After thinking for a while, I derived a plan for Hassan to stay ahead of the competition without hurting Mzee Amos.  Meaning both were to benefit.

Since Mzee was selling a tray at a whole price, I asked Hassan to promptly buy all Mzee's eggs the moment he brings them. I advised Hassan to do it indirectly through someone else not known to Mzee.

Hassan followed my advice, now he is the only one In the area selling eggs and for Mzee, he is the happiest man because he has a potential customer who buys all the trays at once.

Indirectly Mzee was out-competed unknowingly. So that's what I meant with smiling at competition. We lead by our brains not by actions. Many things can be done with simplicity limiting enemity.

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Tuesday, 6 December 2016

TELLING A STORY; On our very own,2

Betrayed; the turn up was too low bridging a gap from  Daniel's expectations. Many promised to attend but never fulfilled. Adverts via Facebook and WhatsApp groups were infinite yet all the advertisers kicked him down. Daniel deleted numbers of the so called friends as he battled with debts. His very own denied him support.

Daniel also known as "JJ", was a S4 candidate at Old Kampala SS in the year 2016. Old Kampala SS is located within Kampala the capital. It is a mixed sex school and owned by the Uganda government. 

Many citizens have gone through the school and trust me it's one of the best. So JJ was among the many candidates hailing from that historical school. And am sure it was one of the first schools on the  Buganda land.

From childhood, JJ was very much interested in music, dance and drama. So his dream was to be an events organiser like Balam and the owner of KT.Promotions. So he was ever part of the party organisers at school. 

So JJ decided to organise an event for the OBs and OGs. He hoped the event to mark as a step towards his journey of events organising. Being popular, JJ saw no difficult in driving the students' minds to focus on the event. 

The venue was set and he agreed to organise  from "Hot Spice" an entertainment centre at Kabusu a Kampala suburb. So the fee was only $2 for every student. Many alleged support to JJ.

Ositi a friend, worked so hard to mobilise and persuade the rest so that they make it in crowds. JJ had invited two upcoming artists but had good music compared to the still crawling singers.

The day was Saturday which later turned into a black day. Only six girls and twelve boys attended. Ositi the great mobiliser was nowhere to be seen, many turned him down.

"People are difficult i wish i knew" said JJ while grieving. The poor man landed in debts, the venue owners wanted money plus the artists and on top of that he had even hired sound machines from some company. 

His very own never supported him yet they used to show support before the event. JJ hustled with the situation until he was left with no coin in the pockets. Our very own don't want us to achieve great in life. JJ can tell better. more information

Thursday, 1 December 2016

IN HER PHONE; I was saved as "idiot"

As hot as Uganda, it's the everyday song of Ugandans. May be it's the beginning of drought in the pearl of Africa. 8am, already at TakenCorporation listening to slow music as I plan for the day.

Yesterday Aloysious had made it clear that by noon I should call him so that he avails me with the new software good for photo editing.  So I was eager to receive it.

9:47am,abruptly Ninah appeared at my workplace yet she wasn't on the list of people I expected to meet on that hot Wednesday. But nothing I could do since she was the one I had selected out of the many.

I don't know why am more interested in these girls coming from Rwanda. Ninah is a goddess for sure. Having a chocolate brown face, she is a bit thick but pleasing. There is no way I can well explain how beautiful Ninah is.

So she helped me with some work as she informed me about her multi-birthday party that was to come soon. But Ninah denied me access to the party claiming the presence of her parents. I never insisted, agreed to contribute some.

12:23am I started calling Aloysious to remind him. The phone couldn't go through for a couple of times. Checking the account balance, almost more than enough. 

Within the same time frame, Ninah went out to meet a friend leaving her phone on the table. So I decided to try calling her number and get the real problem with my phone. 

Hair got off my head as the call went through, Ninah's phone displayed "idiot" as the name of the caller. Immediately my heart accessed abnormal impulse.  I got a camera and snapped the phone as it was still ringing. 

Ninah returned and I ptetended everything was cool and ok. She asked why I called and a clear explanation was presented to her satisfaction. 

3days after the birthday party happened and my sources told me there was some other guy but not her parents. I funded the most on that party but in the name of charity. I was good at providing everything that Ninah wanted.

I came to know that I was the bank she accessed  whenever in need. I stopped picking her calls and neglecting all the texts including those from WhatsApp. Finally she made it to my place, I told her it was over and she abused me earth and heaven, mixing languages for the heavy words to carry hidden meaning. 

Up to now Ninah left for good and now am saving huge sums of money. So she was another problem to my pocket. 

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Wednesday, 30 November 2016


With hands folded crossing each other, eyes had turned red and all over the face where signs of sorrow and disgrace. I had sat on a three-decker metallic bed looking down. On my left lied an empty suitcase and a small Jerry can besides it.

On the far side, sat two boys and the taller one was called Alfred. The guy was tall, black and wasn't from central Uganda. Unfortunately after one year he was expelled.

"Are you ok man?" a question from another boy whom I recall to be Brian. "No, my matress, blanket and everything were stolen.  I replied with tears about to break through though am a man.


One year back I had joined Mbogo mixed school for S5 and S6. Mbogo mixed is located in metres away from Kampala-Bombo road but along kawanda road.

 It was neighbouring Kawanda agricultural research centre and surrounded with gardens plus teachers' quarters facing the main gate.  So escapism was never in our minds.

At the close of the  term, there was a tendance of keeping the students' property in case you wanted. I was among the few who were interested since no one was there to pick me from school. 

That term I left both the suitcase and matress in the hands of the school for safety. But it later turned into a regret as I lost almost everything. 

So on returning for a new term, I was shocked to find an empty suitcase and the matress couldn't be traced since it had no tracking device.

Immediately the matter was reported to Mr.Ziwa the then warden. Together we moved checking each and every dormitory whereas property was never retained. At that moment things became unfavourable.

I got into my allocated dormitory and I recall it was marked Kampala on the outside.  They were named before countries and capital cities. 

I sat on  a three-decker metallic bed unhappy but there was nothing to do.  Later in the evening I was called in to the warden's office and he gave me a small matress of about one inch.

I spent a week checking to see whether I can get my property but I later came to know that it was the work of the guards to steal and sell our property at low costs.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


Close to 8pm. Doctors advised me to eat in time but my timetable restricts me. Pain felt in my stomach.  With no time I rushed to her stall for a new life.

On a daily basis, Mum Golola stations her stall near the taxi and bodaboda stage. She does it iin the evening since KCCA can't accept during day.

The number of unmarried in Uganda is high with me inclusive though am about. So most of them access evening meals  from these stalls.

A table together with two benches, Mum Golola sells tea and food to the many customers. And she mostly gets taxi drivers and bodamen.

Really those ladies play a major role in our country where many fear to marry due to reasons that am about to address with time.

So this lady (mum Golola) doesn't work alone. She ever employs girls who help her deliver food and tea to the customers in a distance from the stall.

There is this girl, she is black in colour but from Fort portal district. I hope you know the tribe  from that side. She was silent at the beginning, calm and well behaving.

Activating a smile was the most she could do for the customers who used to talk beyond business. She was serious takung the words of her parents at ease.

The good girl is no more. She has now turned into a corporate prostitute. Every after work she is  picked by one of the customers who is willing to crush her. Many are interested.

Joining the bad groups of girls within the area influenced her negatively hence gaining the beast life. Now she is no longer royal to mum Golola, her boss.

I have witnessed many girls taking the wrong side of the road. Though we try to advice them, we are taken for granted.

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Am sure you are not going to understand this. It's aim is hidden and it will take you time to grasp the meaning.

In the right corner, stood a short refrigerator whose white colour had started to wash away. On top of it lied unfolded clothes but clean and down near the refrigerator the dirty clothes were placed.

Green polythene bags containing cabbage and carrots rested on the right close to two pairs of shoes that had spent unclean for long.

In the left corner,rested two piston rings of vehicle plus rags that were displayed on the floor to trap rain drops in case it rains. The sheets had holes in them.

Up there were big air spaces bringing in alot of coldness making it hard to sleep, so they were covered with boxes and polythene bags.

Within the room, opposite the door, lied a folded matress that seemed to had served for decades. The blanket was nasty and the bedsheets were unpleasing.

The colour on the walls had wiped off and the floor contained small debriss for the walls.

Surprisingly he was living here. He had five rabbits in number and these could feed on cabbage and carrots.

He was happy and had no claims of the life he was living.  "I eat well, sleep with no disturbance and fear" he said.

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Sunday, 20 November 2016

WORSE THAN MEN; from the hands of a heartless

Kenyan policeman in action

The heavy thunder made me escape the blanket making my heart to access abnormal impulse. 

The second thunder was heard, there was a momentarily pause as I thought the world was ending. Hurriedly prepared and rushed out for work. 

Within a stone's throw from home, the rain started. However much I like sleeping but going back was a sign of future poverty. 

So taking cover at the nearest shop was the only option.After 10 minutes, Shafic parked his Toyota Raum and saved me from the coldness. 

Shafic is a very good transporter working for different motor companies. He transports cars for his bosses from Mombasa port to Kampala and sometimes to Kigali. 

A regional cultural and economic hub, Mombasa has an extra-large port and an international airport, and is an important regional tourism centre.

 Located on the east coast of Kenya, in Mombasa County and the former Coast Province, Mombasa's situation on the Indian Ocean made it a historically trading centre,and it has been controlled by many countries because of its strategic location.

For the three years he had spent transporting, Sharif narrated to me how God saved him from the hands of a heartless woman.


After clearing all the required bills, 9am caught me starting the Toyota Land Cruiser TX that I was to transport to Uganda. 

All along the owner was on my neck due to the unusual delays at the port. It was dark green in colour, still working well and  one step was enough to unlock the wizard speed. 

Everything was ok till Nyayo stadium.It is a multi-purpose stadium in Nairobi, Kenya. It is located near the city centre. The stadium was built in 1983 for a capacity of 30,000. It is currently used mostly for football matches.

Here it had rained, I stopped for refreshment, a lady covered with a Muslim dress but wet and shivering, brown in colour and seemed to be from the swahili tribe, came to the car as I was about to take off.

"I have a patient in Kerito but I have no transport. Help and drop me there God will bless you" she said but in swahili. Ketiro is a town just after Nakuru.

Beyond the guidelines I helped her. She used the extreme behind sit since the car had three.

There are various check points along Nairobi-Busia highway and this is to control robbery along.

Viewing through the driving mirror, the lady had already replaced the Muslim attire with some other. 

She started making calls to different people in a language that wasn't Swahili and laughing loud.  So I couldn't understand. 

But on every check point, the lady could hide herself and policemen failed to see her while checking. She did it on two check points and this scared me.

On the third, same trick. Then I couldn't hold apart from informing the police. She was arrested, found with a bag containing every type of knife plus chains.

She was on the wanted list among the highway robbers. From the police records, over three people were marked dead by her.
That's how God saved my friend Shafic. From that day, he sweared never to go beyond the guidelines. 

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Wednesday, 16 November 2016


Your not 100% protected

I had spent 25 minutes observing Diana, her beautiful face carving out to the two women who were sitted in front of her. She looked stressed. 

Diana was a half-tall  girl from Rwanda, she was brown with a spear shaped nose. Her eyes had turned red due to the long hours of grieve she had faced. 

Diana's round behind was covered in a pair of black leggings and she was the girl you couldn't wish your eyes to miss.  Her hair was plaited and black in colour. 

She had been sitting at the reception of the health centre for almost her entire morning and she seemed to be thinking heavily. 

Mutoni, as she preferred to add to the Diana name,looked uncomfortable as I pulled myself near her for a conversation. 

"I have tested HIV positive but I don't know how this has happened yet I couldn't allow any man to sleep with me minus a condom" she reacted to my question

She went ahead to recall the two incidents where the condom busted during the process and she was suspicious though proving became hard

I comforted her and moved out to make a phone call to Dr.Boogere and inquire more about the matter. 

Dr.Boogere told me that it's true most of the condoms are weak which results to their destruction during sex.

"Also having rough sex can destroy them since they are not resistant to friction" added Boogere. 

He went head to explain that here the chances of getting HIV are 100% and they have received many people infected through the same process. 

Fahad a friend, also told me that he has ever experienced such a phenomenon which resulted in to unexpected pregnancy. Assume if one was infected. 

My conclusion

The presence of condoms has kept us with AIDS. A soldier with a body armour never fears to enter the battle but he forgets that the armour is not 100% protective. 

So our people are like soldiers, they trust condoms to a large extent. Many fake condoms have emerged on to the market and some are supplied freely. 

If we had no condoms, people wouldn't bother sleeping with each and everyone due to fear of the outcomes. But they attack with full faith in those rubbers which turn them down.

You may argue but wait when it happens to you.

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Monday, 14 November 2016


"They will know us by the work of our hands and we act as examples to them"

2yrs back I knew him as a very good boy. He was humble,well behaving and too respectful compared to the other boys we used to associate with.

Me and Henry first met 7yrs ago at Wankulukuku stadium where I scored Henry's team  2 goals and since that day we became friends.

Fortunately we were even staying on the same village hence enhancing our friendship.

After high school,  Henry went ahead to join Makerere university Business School at Nakawa, kampala and me I decided to join the hustle of working since there was no money to push me far.

But my friend Henry changed so much from the old boy I knew.  From clothing to walking and from talking to bathing.

Dealing with beautiful and classic girls became his character and calling me fake, is what seemed to be the best to him.

He changed from "oh my God" to "fuck" as his phrase when something seemed funny.

Henry calls the school dropouts loosers and all his plan involve us working for him. May be he doesn't know that we already have high paying businesses.

Henry is taking his second year, meaning remaining with one year to step out of the imaginary life.

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Friday, 11 November 2016


All along I had kept silent about this matter but this is yielding more and more negative results everyday. 

Many Ugandans have lost their lives and money not because we have no doctors and medical attendants, we have in plenty but most of them are not qualified and others are money oriented. 

The heart of helping people is dead. Now medical centres focus more on money and competition than patients. 

Unqualified doctors and nurses have occupied every medical centre,they don't even differentiate the signs and symptoms of diseases so they just treat anyhow. 

Am going to provide you with examples of people who have suffered due to the existance of these fake doctors. 


In January I felt not well and visited a one medical centre for treatment.  The doctor told me that I had malaria and he gave me expensive and strong tablets that nearly killed. On seeing no change, I visited another centre. The doctor there told me that the fever was due to a neck pain which I had. And it was true.

The second time they made me swallow tablets for malaria yet it was ulcers disturbing me.

My mum;

After taking days passing out heavily and frequently, she was taken to a one big hospital in Kampala whose name I will not disclose. They gave her medicine for ulcers and they also claimed that she had high blood pressure. 

She got no change. Taken to another centre, they told her she had abdominal cancer and she was referred to Namirembe hospital. 

At Namirembe, after reading the signs and symptoms, she was given treatment for typhoid and she is now ok.


My man was seriously sick and he was surprised by the doctor's actions. The doctor drafted two budgets of treatment for him, one was cheap but could take long for him to recover. And another one was expensive but the best.

Rashid was so amazed to see a doctor who had intentions of money rather than catering for his life.


Unqualified doctors are due to our poor education system that focuses more on theory than practical hence good grades but less activity. 

Another thing is examination malpractices where people pass with copying and cheating. They study just to go through the system. 

Corruption and sex are also major reasons for the Unqualified doctors and nurses. For the boys, they buy high grades using money and girls use their bodies if necessary. 

The days of good doctors have come to an end and we are facing danger if nothing is done to save the situation. 

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Wednesday, 9 November 2016


The Republican vowed to build a country for everyone in his address to fans in New York City.

He walked on stage with his entourage, family and wife Melanie to a full orchestral score, savouring every moment.

Here is what he said;

""Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business.

"I’ve just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us, it’s about us, on our victory and I congratulated her and her family on a very very hard fought campaign. I mean, she fought very hard."

"Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division"

"Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.I mean that very sincerely."

"Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division. We have to get together."

"To all Republicans and Democracts and Independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. It’s time.

"I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be President for all Americans and this is so important to me."

"For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so we can work together and unify our great country."

"As I’ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement made up of millions of hard working men and women who love their country and want better brighter future for themselves and for their family."

"It will be a movement comprised of people from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs who want and expect our government to serve the people - and serve the people it will."

"Working together we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream.

 "I have spent my entire life in business looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world.

"That is now what I want to do for our country. Tremendous potential. I’ve got to know our country so well. Tremendous potential. It’s gonna be a beautiful thing.

"Every single American will have the opportunity to realise his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.

"We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We’re gonna rebuild our infrastructure which will become, by the way, second to none and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.

"We will also finally take care of our great veterans who’ve been so loyal and I’ve got to know so many over this 18 month journey the time I’ve spent with them in this campaign has been among my greatest honours. Our veterans are incredible people.

"We will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal. I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all. It’s gonna happen.

"We have a great economic plan. We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world.

"At the same time we will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us.

"We will have great relationships. We expect to have great great relationships.

"We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world"

"No dream is too big, no challenge is too great."Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. America will no longer settle for anything less than the best.

"We must reclaim our country’s destiny and dream big and bold and daring. We have to do that. We’re doing to dream of things for our country and beautiful things and successful things once again.

"I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first we will deal fairly with everyone.

"All people and all other nations. We will seek common ground not hostility, partnership not conflict.

"First I want to thank my parents who I know are looking down on me right now. Great people. I’ve learned so much from them. They were wonderful in every regard.

 I had truly great parents. I also want to thank my sisters Maryanne and Elizabeth who are here with us tonight.

"And my brother Robert, my great friend. Where is Robert?They should all be on this stage but that’s OK. And also my late brother Fred, great guy, fantastic guy. Fantastic family. I was very lucky.

"To Melania and Don and Ivanka and Eric and Tiffany and Barron, I love you and I thank you and especially for putting up with all of those hours. This was tough. This was tough. This political stuffis nasty and it’s tough.

"... We have got tremendously talented people up here and I can tell you, it's been very special. I want to give a special thanks to our former mayor Rudy Giuliani who's unbelievable. Unbelievable. He travelled with us and he went through meetings and Rudy never changes. Where’s Rudy? Where is he?