Wednesday, 21 December 2016

SENDING MESSAGE; To all the ladies

"This one's for you and me, living out our dreams,We're all right where we should be,with my arms out wide,I open my eyes.And now all I want see Is a sky full of lighters" words of Bruno Mars.

In my country the pearl of Africa, a week can hardly go without some lady's nude photos being exposed to public.  It is usually via social media, so it's like a game now.

In another context, it's done willingly by the lady in the name of popularity. No more shame,fear and they take the act as a tool to achieve great in life.

In my country, social media has become a platform where obscenity begins yet it wasn't the aim of the developers.

In the many whatsapp groups, the nude photos of our sisters spread like wild fire from one group to another, which is very bad.

They say "educate a girl and she educates a nation" So how are we going to build a strong nation if all our sisters have gone nude. My sisters you have changed from the good girls to untrusted humans.

Becoming popular through satanic ways doesn't last for long. But a name made out of good will and faith can never tarnish.

Exposing your hidden parts to the public is never the way to that life your dreaming of. Let's not become shameless due to the urge for this worldly life.

Let them not describe you by evil actions. Be the best and try to protect that expensive gown that God gave to you. I mean the gown called "mother"

Don't give him chance to cover your naked body on camera because in the times of separation, he will expose everything on you.

To the men

We are produced by girls but why are we spoilt and killed by girls. We are supposed to protect their rights not to violate them.

In any disturbing situation, let's not use their bodies as a weapon. Let's take them as our mothers and true they resemble our mothers. Let's not expose them, #protectmothers.

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