Tuesday, 6 December 2016

TELLING A STORY; On our very own,2

Betrayed; the turn up was too low bridging a gap from  Daniel's expectations. Many promised to attend but never fulfilled. Adverts via Facebook and WhatsApp groups were infinite yet all the advertisers kicked him down. Daniel deleted numbers of the so called friends as he battled with debts. His very own denied him support.

Daniel also known as "JJ", was a S4 candidate at Old Kampala SS in the year 2016. Old Kampala SS is located within Kampala the capital. It is a mixed sex school and owned by the Uganda government. 

Many citizens have gone through the school and trust me it's one of the best. So JJ was among the many candidates hailing from that historical school. And am sure it was one of the first schools on the  Buganda land.

From childhood, JJ was very much interested in music, dance and drama. So his dream was to be an events organiser like Balam and the owner of KT.Promotions. So he was ever part of the party organisers at school. 

So JJ decided to organise an event for the OBs and OGs. He hoped the event to mark as a step towards his journey of events organising. Being popular, JJ saw no difficult in driving the students' minds to focus on the event. 

The venue was set and he agreed to organise  from "Hot Spice" an entertainment centre at Kabusu a Kampala suburb. So the fee was only $2 for every student. Many alleged support to JJ.

Ositi a friend, worked so hard to mobilise and persuade the rest so that they make it in crowds. JJ had invited two upcoming artists but had good music compared to the still crawling singers.

The day was Saturday which later turned into a black day. Only six girls and twelve boys attended. Ositi the great mobiliser was nowhere to be seen, many turned him down.

"People are difficult i wish i knew" said JJ while grieving. The poor man landed in debts, the venue owners wanted money plus the artists and on top of that he had even hired sound machines from some company. 

His very own never supported him yet they used to show support before the event. JJ hustled with the situation until he was left with no coin in the pockets. Our very own don't want us to achieve great in life. JJ can tell better. more information

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