Friday, 4 November 2016


On the morning of 23/3/2016 I received a phone call from Tom that Musoke a boda boda rider and a friend was found unconscious after being hit on the head with a hard metal along Wakaliga road;

Boda riding is a good job and can make someone earn atleast earn $15 per day. But it is also the most dangerous job both to the users and the riders.  

A week can hardly go without registering a case of bodaman being hit and then his motorcycle taken. 

It is believed that people who kill them are fellow Bodamen who plan their way out through grabbing the motorcycles and lives of others. 

Back to the date above, Musoke left his home at around 5:30am as it was his usual act of starting early to collect enough money for the day.  Bodamen have stages so Musoke's stage was along Masaka road in Nateete, Kampala. 

So as Musoke was heading to his stage,  he met two men along the way who wanted him to make them reach the old tax park as faster as he could. Without hesitating, he told them to jump on the boda and take off.

As they reached Ssekabaka a town along Wakaliga road, one of the men told  him to stop. Before he decelerated the motorcycle to zero, he was hit hard on the head with a metallic by one of the men.

Musoke landed down and shouted "take the motorcycle but spare my life". May be they got sympathy and decided to take his motorcycle leaving him on the ground bleeding. 

He was saved and rushed to the hospital. God helped he is now still alive. Many have lost life and we don't know when will this massacre end.

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