Monday, 26 September 2016

HUMAN ORGAN TRADE (why your kidney is expensive)

There's that urban legend. You go to dinner with a good looking stranger, go back to their hotel room or yours, have a drink, and pass out. The next thing you know, you are in the bathtub, naked, covered in ice, with a poorly stitched side, and a phone nearby with a note attached. The note warns you to seek emergency medical care right away.

Organ trade is the trade of human organs, tissues or other body parts for the purpose of transplantation.

There is a global need or demand for healthy body parts for transplantation, far exceeding the numbers available.As of 2011, about 90,000 people were reported to be waiting for a new organ.

On average, an individual will wait three and a half years for an organ to become available for transplant.There is a worldwide shortage of organs available for transplantation,yet commercial trade in human organs was at one point illegal in all countries except Iran.

Trafficking in organs is a crime that occurs in three broad categories.

- Firstly, there are cases where traffickers force or deceive the victims into giving up an organ.
-Secondly, there are cases where victims formally or informally agree to sell an organ and are cheated because they are not paid for the organ or are paid less than the promised price.
-Thirdly, vulnerable persons are treated for an ailment, which may or may not exist and thereupon organs are removed without the victim's knowledge.
The vulnerable categories of persons include migrants, especially migrant workers, homeless persons, illiterate persons, etc.

Trafficking in organ trade is an organized crime, involving a host of offenders. The recruiter who identifies the vulnerable person, the transporter, the staff of the hospital/ clinic and other medical centres, the medical professionals, the middlemen and contractors, the buyers, the banks where organs are stored are all involved in the racket.
It is a fact that the entire racket is rarely exposed and therefore, the dimensions are yet to be appropriately fathomed.

We pray that God protects us Ameen, by kato shakilu

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