Tuesday, 27 September 2016


Since the nucleus of the Country's economy always lies in the capital city, Kampala the capital of Uganda is a good place for business but high rent has hindered business within hence becoming a curse to Uganda' economy.

People everyday  vacate from one building to another  looking for cheap rent. All the profits people earn are paid to the landlords and at the end even capital is used to pay the landlords.

Let's take an example of Sarah a business lady , trying to tell us her first experience as  a tenant in Kampala and how she failed due to high rent;
  • ""I had saved enough money to start up a restaurant in Kampala and luckily I got a  room large enough for my business. Rent was 800,000 per month and I was supposed to pay for the first six month jointly which I did. business was moving well but tragedy came after completing the first six months.  I started paying rent for each month I complete and I ended up using the business money to clear.  Time came when I had to run to my husband for help which he later got tired of and I decided to close the business since I couldn't afford rent.""

Many people like Sarah have closed their businesses because of rent. The Uganda government must do something to control the landlords who are destroying the economy. 

If at least 5 people per day close their businesses due to high rent, isn't that a curse  to Uganda's economy?  Give your view in the comment box. 

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