Sunday, 4 August 2019

Do This If You Want To Get Rich

There are a thousand times you have come up with ideas that can make millions and billions of cash but you have never activated any idea. And funny enough you had everything needed from business plan to enough capital but still you failed to start.

Take this example; you get a good business idea let's say of starting up a local restaurant, you make enough research,calculate the profits and they seem really higher than the losses, you contact the friends and they all give a green light and you even approach brokers to get a good place and they get it. Now everything is ready and you are about to take off but after a couple of hours your thoughts start changing, you feel scared and eventually drop the idea. Then after some months you say “ I wish I started that business“. And some even go ahead and start the business but half way the journey they sell it to someone else who later gains madly from it and they end up regretting.

A friend told me that he has a family problem as some of you might think but in actual sense that is your mindset and you don't need any pastor or sheik to pray for you. Now there are only two problems distracting you from becoming the millionaire you want be and they can be solved if you are willing. They are self doubt and laziness but lucky enough those two exist in yourself. Failure to start a business when all the cards are in your favor that's total laziness and self doubt. “ Will I manage? What if my money doesn't come out? May I will start next month" all those are questions emerging from self doubt and laziness. They eat away all the potential in you and in turn you blame everyone else.

The good news is that those exist in yourself and it's only you who can fight them. Fight them and reporting late at work will end. Even your creativity will end. Fight self doubt and laziness from your life using any method you can and you will get rich as fast as possible.

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