Friday, 13 January 2017


"Join me for lunch" she said while smiling and pointing at a plateful of rice and beans. I also smiled back as I entered the bank. She didn't bother checking me.I have accessed almost three banks without being checked. Some bank last checked me twice and that was when I became a customer. But now they never.

Sometimes I wonder why these guys trust me so much. May be am a not a bomb material, may be I look innocent, may be am the most trustworthy.

I know the reasons why these guys understand me more than anyone. Am a good conversationalist and am good at making friends. I can start a conversation with a new face and the one in a distance may think we know each other. This helps me win them to my way.
Before reaching any place with security guards, I take five minutes to study them and some of them tend to think am going somewhere and I have lost my way. Yet am ever on track.

Studying someone from top to bottom is what appears first on the list of making new friends. And I always look for that one thing that may spark a conversation. I always take advantage of their hunger since few security guards take lunch in time.

I narrate interesting stories that fall in line with their work, a thing that gives them courage for meeting a person who understands their situation. Two times are enough to win the hearts of the guards though I don't do it for my own advantage. Just for fun.

Almost in every place I have visited, all the guards have become my friends even to an extent of borrowing them money. The fact is that guards are never respected forgeting the services they render to our community. So when you make them feel special, they take you as a hero.

It has been a short article but targeting the respect of guards which is locked. Let's treat them as humans,let's mark their role and reward them if possible.

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