Monday, 23 January 2017


Lee Joon, Jung Hwan and Shin-Jung

Search and seize

After being invited by the president in the blue house, General Prosecutor Lee Joon received a call from Choi Mini his advisor that " the special prosecutor Yoon Ji had ordered a search and seize operation at Lee Joon's office plus his home".

As soon as Lee hanged off, the president's secretary called him to access the president's office. Lee got confused and he had to choose either to meet the president or run back and prevent Yoon from searching his office.

Before search and seize

Before becoming the General Prosecutor, Lee Joon had embezzled 27billion from the country's treasury and he was helped by Jung Hwan his old friend to cover up the case. Later Jung and Lee turned into enemies.

So Lee decided to accuse Jung for embezzling the money yet Jung was also accusing Lee. The government decided to create an independent committee led by Yoon Ji to investigate Lee Joon the General Prosecutor and Jung Hwan a former advisor and friend.

All along for seven years, Yoon Ji the special Prosecutor was also in war with Lee Joon. So Lee had many enemies due to his bad moves for power. And Yoon was again in war with Jung Hwan. So Lee Joon, Yoon Ji and Jung Hwan were enemies to each other and each wanted the other two in prison.

Lee Joon had  all their scandals on a memory card and kept it in his office. So whoever landed on the card was able to put all the three in prison. And for Lee Joon, he used it to control Yoon and Jung.

 why the three wanted the memory card in Lee's office

Lee Joon kept the card because he used it to control the special prosecutor Yoon Ji in the ongoing investigations on the 27billion scandal. Since the card contained Yoon's dirty games, she had to obey and tie the whole scandal on Jung Hwan.

Yoon Ji wanted the card to put both Lee Joon and Jung Hwan in prison so that no one will ever come out to expose her dirt. And her aim was to destroy the card after.
Better days of Lee and Jung Hwan

Jung Hwan wanted both Lee and Yoon in prison and he didn't care whether he is arrested too since he had a brain tumour and his days had started counting towards the end.

Even during the search and seize operation he was in the hospital but his wife Shin-jung helped him much as we shall see. Jung planned the search and seize operation through his wife.

Back to search and seize

We stopped at a point where Lee Joon was confused. He was to decide either to meet the president or run and secure the card in his office. He moved left to right for over three times and he seemed to had ran mad.

Finally he called back at his office and instructed all the prosecutors not to allow the search and seize team to enter his office.

2hrs earlier, Shin-jung a wife to Jung Hwan, visited the office of SP Yoon Ji and advised her to search the office of Lee Joon so that she gets the card and destroy it.

But all this was planned by Jung Hwan though Yoon Ji didn't notice it since she was over ambitious to put Lee Joon in prison.

 For sure the plan worked. As the search team arrived at Lee's office, a fight was sparked between the search team and the Prosecutors at office.

Shin-Jung got a chance and sneaked into the office.  She got the card and immediately rushed to meet her car. Guess what happened next.....

Friday, 13 January 2017


"Join me for lunch" she said while smiling and pointing at a plateful of rice and beans. I also smiled back as I entered the bank. She didn't bother checking me.I have accessed almost three banks without being checked. Some bank last checked me twice and that was when I became a customer. But now they never.

Sometimes I wonder why these guys trust me so much. May be am a not a bomb material, may be I look innocent, may be am the most trustworthy.

I know the reasons why these guys understand me more than anyone. Am a good conversationalist and am good at making friends. I can start a conversation with a new face and the one in a distance may think we know each other. This helps me win them to my way.
Before reaching any place with security guards, I take five minutes to study them and some of them tend to think am going somewhere and I have lost my way. Yet am ever on track.

Studying someone from top to bottom is what appears first on the list of making new friends. And I always look for that one thing that may spark a conversation. I always take advantage of their hunger since few security guards take lunch in time.

I narrate interesting stories that fall in line with their work, a thing that gives them courage for meeting a person who understands their situation. Two times are enough to win the hearts of the guards though I don't do it for my own advantage. Just for fun.

Almost in every place I have visited, all the guards have become my friends even to an extent of borrowing them money. The fact is that guards are never respected forgeting the services they render to our community. So when you make them feel special, they take you as a hero.

It has been a short article but targeting the respect of guards which is locked. Let's treat them as humans,let's mark their role and reward them if possible.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017


Face of fear

Out of the many, a section was selected and given powers to assert fear in the name of  enforcing law and order within the community.  And to all those who went against the rules of the land were taken as culprits and their names were recorded in the blue book pending trial..................

2012, I joined an institution for an advanced certificate (I will not disclose the name). For real most of the students looked uncomfortable with the situation in the school but there was nothing they could do. Right from the administration block, one could easily tell the happenings basing on the teachers' conversations.

I too joined the rest of the boys at the dormitory side. I felt nervous since my memory had no copy of any boy at that time. Amur,I recall  he became the first friend. During evening he made me tour the whole school marking all the necessary buildings just in case.

The school had very beautiful girls, covering their heads with black veils, their top with yellow t-shirts and their bottom with black long skirts. Really they looked nice and attractive

. So my eyes couldn't resist.  But every time I looked at a girl, Amur could say " they will note you in the blue book" . Unfortunately he feared to explain the details claiming "wait you will know".

The phrase "they will note you in the blue book" didn't end with Amur but it was used by various students in case something unacceptable happened. It instilled fear in me following scaring incidents of purnishing students instantly. It was tough for all of us and joy for the teachers.

A one Monday evening, an assembly was called for and it was named the "disciplinary assembly". Normally this was conducted to purnish law breakers and remind students to abide by the rules of the land.

 After anthems,a big man stepped forward, "we have names of criminals in this book, and the moment we call you, just know your done". He said the words pointing at the book in his hands that was blue in colour. Here I got it clear that the blue book contained names of culprits.

Most of the culprits were expelled out of school, others suspended and a few were being purnished inform of  caining. There was a committee of teachers who presided over disciplinary issues and the main head was the headmaster. The committee made students live in fear and it always claimed to be having spies.

Many African education officers believe in using fear to control students an act which violates the rights of students. They set their own rules and regulations which in most cases don't comply with rules governing the country.

Whoever is reading this, am sure you have ever witnessed such a situation.  Let's take responsibility of checking the operations of our schools towards the rules governing our brothers and sisters under the umbrella of teachers. 

Thursday, 5 January 2017


At around 1pm on a hot Tuesday of 3/01/017, Kaweesi landed from the second floor of a building at Nateete and he got into contact with soil at a greater force. He is now nursing wounds at a one hospital in Kampala.

Kaweesi Frank also known as "pindu" ,a name given to him by the residents due to his being short.

Pindu is a short man, he is brown in colour, he has scattered beards plus red lips indicating the impacts of excess alcohol.

He is a renowned drunkard and it's hard to find him in sense without alcohol controlling his head. He works as a conductor on a taxi.

On Tuesday, Kaweesi was drunk as usual, so as he was standing up the stairs of the second floor, an argument between him and Nassali was given chance.

Kaweesi was claiming that he can jump from where he was to the ground without getting injuries.  And Nassali was against it. Nassali is a lady selling cooked food on the other side of the building.

Finally Kaweesi jumped and now he is in hospital. Impacts of alcohol, I guess he thought it was a one step to go.