Tuesday, 21 July 2020


Forex trading is never easy as many think. Many see it as a get rich-quick scheme whereas some see it as gambling. But me I call it a "complicated business". The main reason why I call it complicated is because you need to first study hard to know how it's done. And as you know very well forex trading is a double edged sword, you place a trade and it goes opposite.

So many have lost money and time, many have given up and many are confused. Most of us join forex trading for mostly two reasons:-
        - work effortlessly and earn
        - have more free time

So to many all those reasons are gone, they are trading and knocking losses all the time.

Remember forex trading is a business and that should never exit your head. If you master it very well then things will be fine and better. So for any business to exist, there must be a product or service being offered, so in forex they offer
-precious metals and many more.

Inorder to gain better from forex trading the following factors must be considered:-

a) size of the product 

In forex trading the product is measured in lots and most forex brokers start from 0.01lot size as the smallest size of the product. Many traders have lost money because 0.01 is small and they want earn big, they end up widening the lot size and they get eaten alive.

Lot size should always reflect the size of your account and for me I recommend 0.01 lot size for every  $200. That means if you have  $1000, 0.05 lot size is affordable.

b) price of the product 
There is a big reason why brokers provide forex charts. The charts contain all the information needed to understand the market. Among the things displayed on the chart there's price and this is the most crucial factor in trading because it's where profits and losses are made. With price a trader is able to determine whether the prices are high or low, going up or down.

c) price trend
You have ever hard of the words uptrend and downtrend. Uptrend is when prices are moving high and a downtrend is when prices are moving down the chart. You can clearly tell the direction of the trend by just looking at the chart and some traders use indicators like moving averages to determine the direction of the trend.

Before you place a trade, it is better to know the trend and trade in the direction of the trendo or you can wait till one trend ends and trade in the direction of the new trend.

d) time
Many traders have lost money just because of not focusing on time. The forex charts display statistics based on different time frames from 1min,5min,30min,1hr.......1Month.

New traders are always advised to trade basing on higher time frames because they are easy to read since the smaller time frames are full of noise and they suit professional traders. Time frames have to be considered before placing a trade.

After considering the lot size basing on your account, knowing the price, determining  the trend whether it's up or down and picking the timeframe suitable for you, then go ahead and place a trade.

Let me share with you the trading strategy I developed that has helped me win trades but don't forget that forex trading is a business and all businesses recquire God and patience   to earn from them. Follow the strategy clearly, don't  change anything, trust God and be patient, you will thank me later.

1) Setting up the chart

a) open the chart of any  pair you want to analyse and select the timeframe of your choice. I prefer higher timeframes because of less 

b) on your chart, insert a simple 50MA and use red colour to differentiate it.

c)then insert a simple 30MA and use black as it's colour.

d)Insert the RSI indicator and set the levels to 20 and 80. The RSI will help to define the areas of overbought and oversold.

e) on the same indicator Window of the RSI, insert a simple 50MA and give it red colour

f) Mark the point on the RSI where the 50MA was overbought or oversold. Below  20 means oversold and above 80 means overbought.

g) make sure the last overbought/sold point of the 50MA on the RSI corresponds with the swing high/low of the price on the main chart.

h) draw a trendline starting from the last point corresponding with the overbought/sold points thus indicating the trend. After your chart should look like the image below.

Now our chart is done let's proceed to trading.


We buy when:-

The 30MA crosses above the 50MA and then it crosses above the trendline.

We sell when:-

The 30MA crosses below the 50MA and then it crosses below the trendline.

Mind the way you draw your trendlines and be patient.

set the take profits of your own choice but please follow the procedure don't change anything. Relax and let God be in charge. Thank me later.



Wednesday, 15 July 2020



Kato Shakilu is a forex trader dealing in forex trading  (FX) and also a money manager for interested parties within the field of forex trading. For clear and transparency in trading, the rules and regulations were set to satisfy all the parties involved.

The manager is subjected to 25% of the profits made by the collaborators at the end of every trading month and the manager is not subjected to losses made unless when a drawdown is reached as clearly stated in section (3)

The drawdown is when the funds trusted by the collaborator to the manager have been deducted by 20% due to poor trading by the manager.

This Set of Rules defines the corporate principles that should be followed during all stages of trading  and that must be continuously observed in all partnerships, collaborations and commercial relationships.

The Set of Rules also defines a series of behaviours that are critical to prevent partners and collaborators from committing crimes, along with the behaviours that are clearly considered in contrast with the partnership values.

The principles and rules contained herein supplement the laws, regulations, statutes and contractual provisions that govern the operation of partnerships and the rights and duties of the persons to whom the Set applies.

                         Recquirements of the partnership

- a valid national identity card and it's coloured photocopy of the collaborator.

-a hand-written letter from the village chairman of the collaborator's place of residence containing valid contacts of the chairman.

- the collaborator must provide clear and accurate information regarding his/her MT4 account  (account balance and open positions if any).

-  two credible trustees must be presented by the collaborator and these must have valid national identity cards plus a coloured photocopy of the same document.

- the collaborator must provide a depository fund more than or equal to $200. But if the fund is already on the collaborator's account, well and good.

- possession of attorney fees by the collaborator and these fees will be determined by the attorney before the signing of the partnership.

Absence of the above measures and requirements shall lead to know signing of the partnership.


A description is given below of the key ethical criteria regarded by the money manager as being essential to the correct operation and protecting his reliability and reputation.

a). Legality
In carrying out his activities and in relationships of any kind and nature, the managar acts in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in force and with the Set of Rules and internal procedures.
The manager  regards the observance of all national and international standards as a binding and essential condition.
During the execution of  activities, the manager's collaborators are expected to comply with the principles of lawfulness set forth in the regulations.

b). Impartiality
The manager  avoids any form of discrimination based on sex, race, class, nationality, language, religion, political and philosophical opinions, political or union affiliation or association, state of health and disability and age, except as
provided by the laws in force.

c). Honesty
While carrying out tasks and during all types of interactions, the manager 's collaborators are expected to diligently comply with current laws, the provisions of this Set of Rules and any other internal procedure. In all cases, the manager undertakes to carry out his business with honesty, showing at all times full respect for all parties and competitors.

d). Correctness and transparency
During the execution of all types of activities (depositing and withdrawing of funds), partners  are expected to avoid situations in which transactions are or may appear doubtful or lead to conflict of interests.
The manager's collaborators are required to provide complete, transparent, understandable and accurate information so that, in building relations with the Manager , Stakeholders are able to take independent decisions with full knowledge of the interests involved, the alternatives and the major

e). Effective Communication
The collaborators must communicate and inform the manager before any changes are made to their accounts to avoid inconveniences when activities are being excuted especially during trading hours.

F). Accurate payments
The collaborators are expected to clearly pay the manager's 25%  of the profits in time and an allowance of three days shall be provided to carter for emergency if any.

g). The collaborators must be easily accessed wether by contact or in-person and it is a necessity to keep themselves available when needed.

h). No changes shall be made on the collaborator's MT4 account during the agreed period in the partnership unless only when withdrawing monthly profits and this should be done once and the money withdrawn must not leave the account unless when the original depository fund still remains.

i). Inconveniences are not called for and if the collaborator has a complaint, he/she shall file it with the attorney.

j).The collaborators must not involve in trading on his/her MT4 account after signing the partnership and it starts with immediate effect (full control will be granted to the manager).

k). The trustees presented by the collaborator must also provide their contacts and address of residence and must be easily accessed at all times.

                Conditions to which a partnership can  be nullified.

a). When collaborators interfere with their accounts when the partnership is still in place.

b). When a drawdown of 20% is reached due to the poor trading by the manager.

c). Failure to pay the manager and exceed the allowance of three days as stated in section (2).

d). Making any changes on the MT4 account without the manager's approval.

e). When the time of the partnership has elapsed.

f). Failure to pay the manager's 25% will not only lead to termination of the partnership but will also call for legal actions and the collaborator shall be subjected to all the fees and damages caused by his/her untrustworthy actions.

I.............................................................acknowledges that I have read and understood the rules and regulations and am ready to abide by them as stated.

Collaborator's signature.........................................

+256708275168, +256771405406